
scholarship winner 2017

We are delighted to announce the winner of the 2016-2017 EagleBots STEM Scholarship, Isaiah Njoku!

Following the conclusion of the FIRST LEGO League competition season, a separate initiative commenced. The EagleBots STEM Scholarship was designed to provide one team member with the opportunity to attend a week-long STEM related camp during the summer of 2017. All EagleBots team members were eligible to apply for the scholarship. Students were required to write a 200 word essay discussing what they learned throughout the season and how they planned to either apply their newfound insight or how they’d like to further their interest in STEM related careers. Applicants interviewed before a panel of judges to discuss the finer points of their essays.

Isaiah was selected as the winner of the scholarship competition and has decided to attend the Space Camp Robotics Academy this summer. He will spend an entire week at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center learning to design, build and pilot underwater robots. He’ll also get hands on experience working with advanced circuitry and testing his creations in an actual simulator used by NASA scientists. Congratulations, Isaiah!!

More Hardware

For the final competition of the season, the EagleBots traveled to Tuscaloosa for the 2017 Alabama Robotics Competition, held on the campus of the University of Alabama. We finished 4th place out of 17 teams in the elementary division! We’re really happy about well we performed today and we’re looking forward to adding this trophy to our collection. 


The EagleBots were invited to City Hall this morning by District 3 Councilor Valerie Abbott. She presented the team to the City Council to congratulate us on our accomplishments. Each team member received an Outstanding Citizen medal for their hard work and success this season. The smiles say it all! 

2nd Place Honors

We’re bringing home the 2nd place trophy in the Presentation category for our scientific research project! We couldn’t be happier! Our first experience at the FLL State Championship was amazing! We learned lots information from the other teams’ research, bonded with each other as we worked together to solve problems, and made lots of new friends. We’re really happy about all that we’ve been able to accomplish in our very first season of competitive robotics. We plan on using what we’ve learned this season to come back even stronger next year. 

Hitting the Road

The team is en route to Huntsville for the big competition tomorrow. We’ve got the best supporters EVER and we couldn’t have made this trip possible without all of their generousity. We’ll be sure to update everyone throughout the day, as we can. Wish us luck!!

Back in the Lab

The EagleBots have been hard at work over the past four weeks in preparation for our next competition. On Saturday, March 4th we’ll take our show on the road to Huntsville, AL to compete in the Alabama FIRST Lego League State Championship. The event will be held at the US Space and Rocket Center. There, we’ll go head up against the 35 best teams in the state to compete for a chance to represent Alabama in the FLL World Festival in St. Louis, MO. We understand that this will be extremely challenging, but we’re up for the task. We’ve worked to complete more robot challenge meetings, refined our scientific research, and worked on making our presentation more effective.

EagleBots for the Win!

We did it!!! In our first ever robotics competition we placed 1st overall and took home the Champions’ Trophy! Next up is a trip to the state competition in Huntsville, AL on Saturday, March 4th. There’s lots of work for us to do to get ready, but we’re up for the challenge!

Final Preparations

The team put it all on the line tonight in our final practice before our competition. We finished up our poster, ran through all of the code for our robot one last time, and rehearsed our presentation for the judges. Everyone seems excited and ready to go. Wish us luck!!